Tuesday 2 July 2024

How to Ace Your Skills as a Children’s Book Writer?

 Writing for adults is easier in comparison to children’s! Many scholars over the ages have mentioned such proverbs. Yet if you like writing for children then you can decide for self publishing a book on Amazon by strategically tying up the loose ends of the stories that you have already scribbled in your notebook.

Presently, the art of storytelling to kids is driving many new parents to publish books. If you have a similar inspiration and you have aced the skill of telling beautiful stories to children then you must try your luck writing more children’s books in collaboration with a good designer and childrens illustrators working as freelancers or at any reputed self-publishing agencies.

Here are some ideas to ace your skills as a children’s book writer—

Read more children’s books from classics to the trending writers. Get ideas of the type of stories or the characters that the little readers would like to hear or read. Crete sketches of animal characters, robots, and fantasy animals such as Unicorns, dragons, aliens, etc. The little ones love them. Even you can even get more ideas from the trending Japanese mangas.

Focus on the book cover designs. You need to spend more time with a professional book cover maker to create an appealing cover image for young readers. Choose the color combination according to the characters or the storyline. Besides the main story, the illustrations and the design a book cover have a significant role to play in enticing the attention of the children.

Have a word with some children and ask them about their favorite characters or which book is their favorite and why. They might help you with some insights that will help you hone your skills in penning the characters and continue writing the stories for your readers.

Friday 26 January 2024

4 Steps to Grow Your Fame as a Successful Writer

 In a recent social media interview, Martin Scorcese said anyone can write a screenplay. It’s the fear of failure that stops most individuals from doing it. By withstanding your limitations and fears- when you already have started your journey as an author, you should expect a little fame gradually. The self-publishing agency might be busy launching your new book on Amazon Kindle self publishing UK while you need to focus on promotional activities.

Reach out to your audience 

This is the golden era of social media and search engines- where reaching out to the target audience is a priority of any business or entity. Besides focusing on your creativity and Amazon publishing services, spreading the news of the newly launched book with a brief description is essential.

Today’s readers keep an eye on the social media posts of their favorite authors and mostly they join diverse book clubs and online groups or forums on Facebook, Instagram etc. to stay updated about the new books. Take the help of these platforms even to find children's book illustrators for hire UK along with a book cover designer.

Create a website 

Having an official website and a blog post is mandatory for any writer. The website features a detailed bio of yours along with the published books. Interested customers can purchase your books from the website. Give them a chance to read the first few pages for free like Amazon offers for their Kindle shoppers.

Interact with your audience directly 

Interact directly with your audience when you’re a growing author. Ask them to give you a review after reading your new book.

Provide offers & Giveaways 

Find and hire book designer that will make the cover layouts more appealing to your target audience. Provide free giveaways on the launch-such as signed copies, metallic bookmarks etc.

You can create a community of your readers easily by following these ideas.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

Sunday 30 July 2023

How to start your journey as a writer?

Your aspiration to become a writer might not be a sudden decision, or it can be. Usually, becoming a writer is a long desire for most accomplished and struggling writers for ages. If you want to make your dream come true then, its high time to go through your share of ample research and think of a plot based on the genre you decide to write about. Collaborate with a reputed self-publishing agency with outstanding goodwill for being a supportive animated explainer video agency helping clients with next level branding.

Considering the time that most writers have to waste by constantly knocking at the doors of publishers, the present-day writers, whether intending to publish a printed book or eBook, prefer self-publishing to save their time, effort, and money. Though writers deciding to go for their books self publishing have to invest their money first, many of them triumphantly get the position in the bestselling category with effective marketing and by focusing on catering to the readers with outstanding content.

 Create a gripping plot. To become a successful writer, you have to be a copious reader. Read as many books, journals, and articles you find related to your subject and go beyond to increase your dominance of the language. Avid reading will also increase your outstanding grip on your writing skill.

In the next chapter, when the manuscript is about to finish, collaborate with one of the best book cover designers in the self-publishing agency. Be sceptical about finalizing the book cover as today’s readers prefer a captivating book cover.

Being a children's book writer, you need to work along with illustrators. Also, the book cover illustrators can suggest the ideal cover design that will allure your little readers.

In the later phase, work on promoting the book with digital marketing via website events, book promo publishing on YouTube, social media activities etc., to reach out to more target audiences.


How to Ace Your Skills as a Children’s Book Writer?

  Writing for adults is easier in comparison to children’s! Many scholars over the ages have mentioned such proverbs. Yet if you like writin...